Petra (17) – Practical support and Respite

Petra is a bubbly cerebral palsy patient and she really loves shopping! Petra lives with her parents and a young brother in Essex. One day, Petra’s dad contacted NHP to discuss Petra’s and their family’s needs and how NHP could possibly help out. Later, he told us; “I have never regretted the day I made that call for an initial Assessment. I had no idea I had finally discovered a solution to our family support needs given our situation with Petra

Following the initial telephone contact, the NHP care manager immediately contacted Petra’s dad to schedule a home visit appointment to discuss further about their family needs. Prior to contacting NHP, Petra’s parents were jointly responsible for her day-to-day personal care needs, companionship and practical support at home. Now, an NHP carer/ support worker visits Petra’s home on a daily basis to provide her with personal care and practical support, as well as taking her out for her weekly shopping errands!

Petra’s mum can also now find time to meet up with friends for coffee while an NHP caregiver is with Petra and dad can get to spend more quality time with the little brother.

Mrs Marcos (89) – 24hour Live-in care

Mrs Marcos lives alone in a quiet village neighbourhood in Hertfordshire. Before she started using NHP live-in care services, she had been with an agency which never used to prioritise her privacy and dignity at all, she said. There was always high staff turnover of live-in carers who often just turned up on her doorstep unannounced and without any pre-handover arrangements having been agreed between the agency and herself or her daughter, who is her main family carer.

Often and due to irregularities within the agency’s care administration itself, she ended up having to disrupt her daughter`s family life by requesting her to come and help her at short notice, because the carer she had was transferred to another client before a replacement cover for her was arranged.  She said this happened on numerous occasions and often made her feel neglected and undervalued as a customer. In addition, Mrs Marcos said she never exercised her choice of caregivers whom she preferred to support her. Since Mrs Marcos started using us for her live-in carers, she had this to say “Can I just say; as a pensioner living alone in a village, I feel much more secure with the level of care your company has given me so far. I only have one (1) permanent carer, Emeldah, whom I totally adore. When she is on holiday, I always know that Juliet will be coming, and Juliet is equally lovely and sweet. The girls know all the security features at my house, and they relate well with all my neighbours, which has even added extra support and security to my life. Well done NHP for such a high calibre of staff you have” 

Mr Glossop (53) – Palliative Care

Mr Glossop once had a flourishing business as a horticulturalist before early onset of Alzheimer's disease at just age 46. Sadly, the disease is now at its advanced stage and Mr Glossop and his family have been advised of the imminence of his end of life but due to the damaging effects of the disease, Mr Glossop hardly remembers his whole life, or what he did or heard just a few minutes ago.

Our end of life care regime for Mr Glossop ensures that his final months, weeks, or days are as good as they can be through the care and assistance of our specially trained healthcare assistants in dementia care.  Mrs Glossop, who is the wife and main carer of Mr Glossop, can also benefit from our respite care package which allows her to take time off from her main caring duties for Mr Glossop so she can also focus on her physical and mental wellbeing.  As part of the respite care package for Mrs Glossop, NHP can provide temporary short stays (sit-in carers) to support Mr Glossop whilst Mrs Glossop takes time off and take her mind away from the situation.

Wayne (42) - Befriending and Companionship

Wayne`s main goal in life is to be able to overcome his anxieties within social settings and  live a normal life. Wayne loves outdoor living, pubs, dining out and the theatre. However, he has a strong fear of people and loud noises, which trigger his anxiety.  We assist Wayne by providing a befriending and companionship service through his allocated support worker who visits him to take him out to enjoy life in his community, eating out, going to the pub, or just walking along the beach, meeting many people and thus, confronting his fears. Since we started working with Wayne both himself and his mum have reported how Wayne is enjoying his life more and getting more confident and less anxious in public. Wayne has even recently started a part-time volunteer role with a local charity and his support worker accompanies him to work.

Molly (19) and family - Holiday care

Molly is a young lady with complex physical and learning disabilities. She lives within a closely knit and supportive family comprising of her mum, dad, and younger sister. Molly is well loved and cared for by all her family and she is almost always inseparable from her younger sister, who absolutely adores her!

There has however, always been one thing Molly’s family have wished to do; and that is going for a long family holiday together, but they have always feared that they would not be able to manage Molly without extra support. That is when NHP stepped in to help.  NHP and Molly`s family agreed a holiday care package whereby an NHP caregiver would be responsible for taking care of Molly`s personal care and practical support needs while on holiday to enable Molly and her family to enjoy the holiday and relax. The feedback received from both Molly`s family and the NHP caregiver was positive.